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RE: Wire transfer rejected

Good morning,
Wire transfer was canceled by the other bank.

Canceled transfer:
FED NUMBER: 797882742WIRE1670930
Transaction Report: View

The Federal Reserve Wire Network

Wire Transfer Confirmation (FED 71850QS16)


Your Wire Transfer Amount: USD 32,970.54
Transaction Report: View
Federal Reserve Wire Network

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Fwd: Your Changelog UPDATED


as promised chnglog updated - View

I. Camacho

Re: Your ACH transaction N604303828

The ACH debit transfer, initiated from your checking acc., was canceled by the other bank.

Rejected transaction:

Transaction ID: FE-541121534676US
Transaction Report: View

Matteo Duke
Automated Clearing House, NACHA

Re: Fwd: Update for your banking account.

Dear Online Account Operator,

Your ACH transactions have been
temporarily disabled.
View details

Best regards,
Security department

Re: Changelog as promised(updated)

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Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox compatible only


as promised changelog (Internet Explorer File)


Dear Friend,
My name is Dr. Musa Alomar, I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise. I am the director in charge of auditing and accounting section of Bank of Africa Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in West Africa. I hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to expose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.
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Hanya Dengan 50rb, Broadcast Produk/Website Anda ke 600 lebih iklan baris online

Rekans Sekalian,
Kami menawarkan Jasa Pemasangan iklan Produk2 anda semua, ke 600 lebih IKLAN Baris ONLINE secara MASSIVE. Dengan Jasa Kami ini Produk2 anda akan dipasang secara massive dan bersamaan di lebih 600 Web iklan baris online.

Bagi siapa saja Jasa kami ini :   

1.Bagi Anda yg punya website yang ingin dipromosikan di internet
2.Bagi Anda yg punya produk / jasa yang ingin anda iklankan di internet
3.Bagi Anda yg ingin meningkatkan traffic (jumlah pengunjung) website anda
4.Bagi Anda yg Ingin menjalankan bisnis SEO di Internet

Bagaimana caranya menggunakan Jasa ini :

1. Anda hanya cukup membayar 50ribu/bulan untuk jasa ini, dan kami akan broadcast iklan ada ke 600an web iklan baris selama satu bulan penuh [4 kali broadcast]

2. Anda memberikan beberapa info berikut sebagai Materi Iklan yang akan dipasang

• Nama Depan Product    :
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• Alamat Lengkap  :
• No HP   :
• Judul Iklan    :
• Deskripsi Iklan    :
• Alamat Website    :

3. Kami akan memprosesnya

4. Setelah selesai, akan kami kirimkan Report hasil pemasangan Iklan tersebut