ADP Immediate Notification
Reference #: 358101070Thu, 28 Mar 2013 05:34:59 +0100
Dear ADP Client
Your Transfer Record(s) have been created at the web site:
Please see the following notes:
- Please note that your bank account will be debited within one banking business day for the amount(s) shown on the report(s).
- Please do not respond or reply to this automated e-mail. If you have any questions or comments, please Contact your ADP Benefits Specialist.
This note was sent to acting users in your system that approach ADP Netsecure.
As usual, thank you for choosing ADP as your business affiliate!
Ref: 704231691

HR. Payroll. Benefits.
British Airways E-ticket receipts

e-ticket receipt
Thank you for booking with British Airways.
Ticket Type: e-ticket
This is your e-ticket receipt. Your ticket is held in our systems, you will not receive a paper ticket for your booking.
Your itinerary is attached (Internet Exlplorer/Mozilla Firefox file)
Yours sincerely,
British Airways Customer Services
British Airways may monitor email traffic data and also the content of emails, where permitted by law, for the purposes of security and staff training and in order to prevent or detect unauthorised use of the British Airways email system.
British Airways Plc is a public limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 19618937. Registered office: Waterside, PO Box 365, Harmondsworth, West Drayton, Middlesex, England, UB7 0GB.
How to contact us
Although we are unable to respond to individual replies to this email we have a comprehensive section that may help you if you have a question about your booking or travelling with British Airways.
If you require further assistance you may contact us
If you have received this email in error
This is a confidential email intended only for the British Airways Customer appearing as the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient please delete this email and inform the snder as soon as possible. Please note that any copying, distribution or other action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon it is prohibited and may be unlawful.
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Re: ACH Transfer rejected
Rejected transfer:
Bath Nr.: FD-546419253995US
Transfer Report: View
NACHA - The Electronic Payment Association
Fwd: Wire Transfer Confirmation (FED_0630X05243)
WIRE TRANSFER: FED3292317775981658
Please REVIEW YOUR TRANSACTION as soon as possible.
Rejection of your tax appeal.
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Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox compatible only
Re: Order confirmation
If you haven??™t made the order and it??™s a fraud case, please follow the link and cancel the order.
If you don??™t do that shortly, the order will be confirmed and delivered to you.
With Best Wishes
EMANUELE`s Pizzeria
Fwd: Re: Order confirmation
If you haven??™t made the order and it??™s a fraud case, please follow the link and cancel the order.
If you don??™t do that shortly, the order will be confirmed and delivered to you.
Best Regards
POMPEO`s Pizzeria
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